I accepted a tag from
Ancient One to list seven random things about myself. She received the tag from my niece, at
Field of Dreams, who is a military wife blogging about her life while her husband is in Afghanistan. Here goes:
1. I recently became grandmother to this beautiful little baby boy, Avery, who is now 8 weeks old. I am so in love with him.... he gets prettier everyday... which is almost impossible as he is just about as pretty as pretty can get!
2. I am 46 years old... almost 47.... married to a Wildlife Captain with the state of NC. I am a nurse and work part time in a nursing home. I love old people.
3. My dream is to be a "retired" RN and devote my time to my husband, my family, my home, and God. Not necessarily in that order. :o)
4. I like to craft.... especially embroidery and quilt making. I'm not the quiltmaker I want to be yet, but I dream of quilts all the time. I want to take a trip to Western NC to see the barn quilts that are painted throughout the area on old barns.
5. I have two children.... a son, who is a 6th grade math teacher (father of Avery) and his wife who stays home with Avery and is a wonderful mommy. I have a
daughter, who is a hairdresser, married to an Army soldier who is graduating from basic training tomorrow. She also has a blog... check her out... and tell her I sent you.
6. I have three dogs.... all of which I somehow inherited from daughter mentioned above. I truly love the dogs and enjoy having them around, even though they can be a pain in the butt sometimes. They do bring me a lot of joy. My mom would never dream of letting us have an inside dog when we were growing up. I felt the same way until we fell in love with our current little dog family. I have now decided that ALL children need at least one dachshund in their life before they grow up. They are way better than teddy bears to sleep with at night.
7. Our family has moved quite often in the past 13 years and husband and I are now waiting to see if one more move is in our near future. I really like my home and where I live now, but have decided if I need to move with my husband soon, then I'm willing... it's all in God's hands.
I'm not going to tag anyone specifically, but if you play, pleast leave a comment so I'll know to read yours!