I am home today and plan to enjoy being here all day! By that, I mean I have plans NOT to leave the house today. It is such a treat for me to be able to manage my day without leaving the house. Some of you know that my goal is one day, in the very near future, to be able to stop working outside the home and be a full time HOUSEWIFE! Yes, I said it.... housewife.... there is nothing wrong with that term and nothing wrong with being one!
Today I plan to pretend that I am one. My goals for today:
1. Clean up the porch area you see in the picture. It has been so hot that we have really neglected our patio. It is nice outside this morning, so this will be my first project.
2. Wash blankets, shower curtains, etc. and hang on the clothesline to dry outside today.
3. Shampoo the carpet.... AGAIN. These new little puppies are really working on the carpet. Yes, new carpet IS in my future!
4. Cook! This is something I don't do too much of these days. I plan to cook a pot of dried beans, potato salad, meatloaf, cornbread, and I may even bake something yummy today.
5. Decorate my front porch. The fern is just about dead and I am going to move everything and put out my fall decorations for the porch.
6. I may bring out my fall decorations for my livingroom. I have a pumpkin garland that I decorate my mantel with and have two spooky portraits of a Sea Captain and his wife that I use. (spooky, according to my family.... gorgeous to me!) I have a picture somewhere in one of my earlier posts.
7. Laundry, of course. There is always laundry to do.
8. I hope to semi-organize my pie safe. I have a pie safe that I use as pantry storage and it is very hard to find anything in there right now. I hope to get to that today.
9. I'll admit I have someone who cleans the house for me every other week. This is a luxury that I afford myself since I do work full time. However, there are little things that she doesn't do, that I hope to work on today. I think I will enjoy cleaning my own house again when I become a full time housewife!
10. Last, but not least, I do plan to get my daily nap in, too. This is something I wish I didn't do, but I can hardly make it through the day without one. When I'm at work, I always head for the coffee machine at 3:00.... my usual nap time!