Sunday, May 30, 2021

Goodbye to May

 Even though I’ve been busy, I don’t have much sewing to show this week.

I used an online tutorial to make a pillowcase dress for Annabelle. Her mom bought her one recently that has become one of her favorite dresses. I hemmed it last night and will wait for a photo to see if it’s anywhere close to fitting her. The good thing about these dresses is that they are totally adjustable. 

We hung curtains in the dining room! We’ve been in our house for five years and it was about time. I love the way they look in here. I saw these particular curtains on an Instagram friend’s post and she told me they were from Target. I quickly found them online and they were here within 3-4 days. I love online shopping!

Hubby and I have really enjoyed the birds, squirrels, and neighborhood cats this year. There’s a lot that goes on outside, even when we aren’t looking! We are making an effort to watch them more. Notice the butterfly reflector decals on my glass door. The hummingbirds kept flying and bumping into the door, so these were added for their safety. I hope they work!

I started picking through my fabric scraps last night to make something red white and blue. I’ve seen so many cute Americana displays online that include mini patriotic quilts. I’m hoping to try out one of my “new to me” sewing machines this week with that project. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 

Have a safe Memorial Day and always remember those who died so that we can live free!!

Sunday, May 23, 2021

May 2021

 I started blogging again as a way to keep a record of my sewing projects. I didn’t want to bore everyone with my ongoing cross stitch sampler, so I dropped out for a few weeks. ☺️

Here it is... one more time... finished! I won’t make you look at it again until it’s framed. I’m a tightwad and want to frame it myself to save money, but also for the experience. If that doesn’t work out, I guess I’ll splurge on professional framing. Stay tuned.

I played around with a quilted pillow sham and made these little bowl fillers. Now that I have them, I don’t quite know what to do with them. I enjoy making little things, but then the clutter gets on my nerves. 😂

Speaking of hoarding....I mean, clutter.... I bought this old quilt from a thrift store last week. I think it’s gorgeous. I have it folded on the back of a rocking chair, where it brings me a lot of joy.

I’ve been trimming more dishcloths. The crochet edge makes them just a bit cute, I think. 

Our daily entertainment these days, is this guy. It is a stray cat that we’ve been feeding out by our barn. We haven’t petted it yet, but we are getting closer and closer to it. In this picture, it had climbed the fence into our backyard, and was drinking from the bird bath. It’s just another simple joy in my life.

This is just one of our many beautiful sunsets that we have enjoyed lately. With all the craziness in this world, these sunsets remind me that God is still good and He is still in control. May you feel His peace in your life, too.