I went "thrifting" today and paid $1 for this unopened embroidery kit. I was hoping it would be Raggedy Ann inside, but it was Andy, which is still very very cute. My first thought was to open it and stitch him up into a cute little hand puppet, as I really enjoy stitching. But then I started to wonder if it had any $value$... it was made in 1976 by Bobbs Merrill Company. I've researched online and cannot find anything. I can't decide if I will keep it or try to sell it on ebay. Any opinions?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Trash or Treasure?
I went "thrifting" today and paid $1 for this unopened embroidery kit. I was hoping it would be Raggedy Ann inside, but it was Andy, which is still very very cute. My first thought was to open it and stitch him up into a cute little hand puppet, as I really enjoy stitching. But then I started to wonder if it had any $value$... it was made in 1976 by Bobbs Merrill Company. I've researched online and cannot find anything. I can't decide if I will keep it or try to sell it on ebay. Any opinions?
Monday, February 22, 2010
Looking forward...

This picture was taken on a special day for us. This is the day we found out about our new grandson who would become a part of our family in a few months. This was also the day that we picked and put up the corn, that my son grew in a small garden on the edge of our property. We are hoping to have a much larger garden this year, and even though our new grandson, Avery, won't be a lot of help in the garden this year, we look forward to the coming years, of watching him learn and play, and get dirty in the garden with us. Life just keeps getting better and better!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Cowboy quilt

I'm having so much fun this week. I'm trying to finish up a baby quilt I'm making for my new grandson, Avery. Isn't this fabric adorable? I sewed for awhile last night, but was interrupted by American Idol. I, then, had to switch over to handmaking yo-yo's for another project I'm working on. Crazy to say, but I have a cable connection in my sewing room, but have failed to bring the tv back in here since we moved, and un-moved, back home. :o) This will definitely be on my weekend "to do" list for hubby. American Idol and sewing.... two wonderful past times. I held our grandbaby yesterday for a little while. He has gained 2 ounces since he came home from the hospital. He is now almost up to a whopping 6 pounds.... so little. I love him!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
One More
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Grandma, Grandpa, and Baby Avery
Baby Avery is Here!

Baby Avery arrived safely into this world last night. He was almost 37 weeks along and weighed 6 pounds 7 ounces. He is a little cutie!!! His mommy was amazing.... about 4-5 pushes and he was here! The doctors and nurses are working on getting Mommy's blood pressure back down now, and hopefully, the little family will come home sometime on Thursday. This Grandma will soon be going back to the hospital to hold her baby again today. What a blessing... he is absolutely wonderful!!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Grandma Names

Our time is almost here... baby Avery is set to be delivered on Feb. 9, 2009. Mom is having some blood pressure issues, so he gets to arrive a little earlier than planned. A lot of people keep asking me "what are you going to have the baby call you?". Well, I always assumed I would just be "Grandma", but my friends are telling me that is not cool. (I think it is WAY cool) Some have suggested "Mimi" , some have suggested "Nana" (he already has a Nana), I have heard "Granny P, Baw Baw, Glam Gram, etc.".... I guess we'll let Avery decide what he wants to call me. I was thinking of dropping the "r" in Grandma and calling myself "Gandma".... my son says "no, when he gets older, that will sound stupid".... LOL. So, what do your grandchildren call you?
Monday, February 1, 2010
Snow weekend

We had snow this weekend and I am so happy that hubby was home to drive me back and forth to work. I only work 2-3 days a week and it seems the snow always arrives when I'm due for work. I wish for a nice snow to come when I know I'm off work for a few days and can stay home and enjoy it.... a big pot of soup, blankets on the couch, books, movies, staying in PJ's all day.... what a dream! Instead, it was dragging out in the snow... working at the nursing home.... short staffed.... but actually kind of fun this past weekend. Everything was pretty quiet.... very few visitors.... the residents enjoyed the snow and a few even put in requests for snowmen to be built outside their windows. Some of the staff tried to accomodate them, but the snow was too powdery to make a snowman. Maybe later in the week, they will get their snowmen built.
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