Go ahead and admit it.... how many of you have your Christmas tree up already? I do not! However, on a good year, I would definitely have my tree up by now. When I was growing up, we always put our tree up on Thanksgiving afternoon. Thanksgiving was such a big day for me, as I loved helping "mix" the dressing and I loved decorating the tree!
I still love mixing the dressing and I still like decorating the tree, but it seems a whole lot more difficult to get it all done these days. No wonder my mom let me do those things... I'll be she was tired too!
We had a traditional Thanksgiving meal at my house on Thurday. Then it was back to work for me ... 12 hour shifts ... Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
When we got back to work on Friday, the activity department was busy ripping down Thanksgiving decorations, packing them up, and bringing out Christmas decorations. By the time I left work on Friday night, we had four Christmas trees up, as well as lots of other miscellaneous decorations. Even though it was pretty to look at all weekend, I was a little sad because I still had the Thanksgiving frame of mind going on in my heart. (not to mention the Thanksgiving leftovers in the refrigerator)
I'm not even sure I'm going to put up my big tree this year. More and more, I'm thinking of getting a small tree for my kitchen table and skipping the big tree. Years ago I would have never dreamed I'd be doing this! I have found that the older I get, it feels as if Christmas comes every six months, instead of every five years like it seemed when I was a child. I feel as if I just packed all that Christmas stuff a few months ago! I'm sure by next Christmas, I'll be ready to see the big tree again.
I hope to work on my Christmas shopping this week. I've picked up a few things so far, but I have a lot more to do. I also have to get a blanket made for one of my patients by Christmas. I need to buy groceries today. I will be traveling six hours on Saturday for my daughter's wedding shower. I have two more 12 hour shifts to work this week. I have several loads of laundry that need attention. Whew! I'm so tired! Just thinking about all that makes me need a nap.
No wonder I'm skipping the big tree this year. I do, however, want to see pictures of yours! So don't forget to post them on your blog.
And no, the picture above, is not my tree. It is, however, the tree I would have this year.... if I was going to have one.