Sunday, February 16, 2025

Poor pics, but progress

 The quilt waits,  while the cat has found a new bed. 
We’ve all been under the weather this week. Lots of coughing and blowing. And a little stitching done.
Not much to see here, but I’m using my blog as a weekly journal for sewing projects. 

I’m really enjoying this cross stitch piece by Teresa Kogut. Her patterns are so easy to follow and also printed in color. 


  1. Awwww….sweet kitty! I love that. 💕
    I’m sorry you’ve been sick and hope you are feeling better soon!

  2. Love how kitty is helping. Too cute. You are so talented.

    1. Kitty belongs to my daughter, but she thinks she’s mine.

  3. Your kitty looks like mine. They always think the quilt is their bed if it is on a sewing machine. Well, actually, anything is their bed. ;)

    1. I know, it cracks me up to see where we find the kitty sometimes.

  4. Such a cute shot of the cat.
    Hope you have bounced back from the illness!


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