A little more of her dress top, it’s been a busy week. Kids and grandkids are here. 🥰
And a new grand puppy. Meet Tuffy. ❤️
A little more of her dress top, it’s been a busy week. Kids and grandkids are here. 🥰
And a new grand puppy. Meet Tuffy. ❤️
It’s wonky and far from perfect, but we love it. Annabelle helped make the butterflies.
The top was quilted and tied onto a thrifted factory made quilt, then bound together with the blue binding. Very frugal and very warm.
I no longer having a sewing room, but I have a little area in my bedroom set up for sewing. It was difficult to wrangle this quilt through the machine. I swore the whole time that I was sewing, that this is my last ever quilt. We shall see. 🤣
I didn’t post last week because I really didn’t have a lot to show, even though I had worked on the quilt.
I’ve made a small amount of progress on my Kitty cross stitch. I’m hoping to focus on the kitty this week.
I’m really enjoying this cross stitch piece by Teresa Kogut. Her patterns are so easy to follow and also printed in color.
I’m actually further along than this pic shows . I’ve started the quilting on my machine.
I plan to hand quilt around the butterflies.I’m trying to document my weekly progress this year. I also stitched more on the cross stitch this week.
I’m loving the brightness of this little butterfly quilt.
Thanks for looking.
I started a new cross stitch this week. You can see my stitching partner in my lap.
I didn’t finish the border for the butterfly quilt, but I did cut and sew a lot of patches.Maybe I’ll finish this week?
It needs a wider border, but it’s almost there!
That’s a rare event for eastern NC. It was fun, but I’m glad to see it melt away.
This little girl took an interest when I was making butterflies from EPP hexagons. I have to say, she seems to be a natural with a needle.
We are hoping to have it ready to quilt this week. I will do a little hand quilting, but most of it will tied with colorful threads.
Linking to Kathy’s Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.
I searched and searched for this pattern. It’s Zoie’s kitties by Jan Patek.
I’ve completed one, and question whether I’ll do all five. Ha!
I may improvise a smaller version for myself.
Here’s one version made from the pattern.
This is a photo from an Instagram post that started it all for me.
We feed the neighborhood kitties and this quilt really speaks to me. It’s just adorable.
Linking to Kathy’s Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.
It’s been two years since I’ve checked in on my blog.
I’m going to attempt to blog my stitches this year. I have so many things that I want to get done. *accountability*
A lot has changed since I last blogged, but life is still good.
I’m linking to Kathy’s Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching. If you want to see what others are working on, click the link.
Happy 2025 to everyone!!