This is a hodgepodge of old fall things with a new pumpkin that I bought this year. The stand is a ceramic piece I found at a local Goodwill recently. The lady who made it, has her name etched in the bottom of the stand. Yes, I'll take this! I love that her name is on the bottom, I think it is Louise. The little pillow and candles came from a blogging friend from a few years back, but I can't remember who. Thank you again, if you recognize your things... I still love them!
Here's a little piece of thrift store 'art' that makes me smile. Something I created on my own.....
Fancy, huh? I have always liked seeing angel wings in the décor of others. I had this set of wings that I bought from JoAnn's a couple years ago. They were bright and shiny and I never really did anything with them. (I think it was a Christmas item bought at the end of the season) I found the frame at Goodwill, with the tan and black background paper was already inside. I used paint to darken the dots along the frame edge and used the same black craft paint to 'glaze' those shiny wings. One, two, three... and I sat them on the iron candle holders that were also found at Goodwill. (nothing is attached, so I can always disassemble and change it up....lol)
Doesn't take much to make me happy..........
Which is a very good thing! Because I ALMOST went back to work a couple weeks ago. I had been hired to work as a private duty RN for a child who lives in our town and I was planning to work a couple days a week.
But then......
I came to my senses!!! I do not want to go back to work!!!
I have always dreamed of retiring and being able to sew, sew, sew....... so I figured I had better get to sewing.
The days I dreamed about for so long are actually here!! I could get so much more done if I didn't think I had to read the whole internet every single day!!! Does anyone else have that problem?
So, there.....
Life is good!