Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Barn Quilt

I finally made myself a barn quilt. It's not actually finished in this photo, as I am still cleaning up the edges and adding more paint.  I hope to display on our lil barn this week. 😜
I'm struggling with blogging right now because I really don't know how to do a proper post from my phone.  I have located my camera since moving into the new house, but I cannot find the charging cord.  Oh brother!!  Slowly, but surely, I hope to get it all together soon!


  1. That's going to look lovely on your barn. Hope you find everything you looking for really soon.....

  2. Love your little doggie it's so cute! I have been struggling with blogging also and I don't know why, I haven't put a post up in years! Have a blessed week. Blessings joann

  3. Lucky you - a barn quilt! Just pop in and say hello every now and then until you're all settled. :-)

  4. I love, love, love, barn quilts... yours is a beauty! I would love one too, but I have no barn! ;)

  5. Some days it's just impossible to get everything done - so posting might have to be slowed down. I've slowed down so far I'm almost not posting at all. :) Love barn quilts! blessings, marlene

  6. I love your barn quilt Penny! You did such a good job on it.

    I don't know how to blog from my phone but wish I could!


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