Monday, September 29, 2014

A Pumpkin Sunday

Papa and I spent the afternoon with these precious little ones yesterday. 

And this one:

Isn't she growing up???

We went to Kersey Valley (where their mommy works) and spent a fall afternoon.  There were pumpkins, a cow train, duck races, jumping pads, trolley rides... we had a nice afternoon with the family.


  1. Wonderful was to spend the day. Such little cutie pies.

  2. Those are some cute and sweet grandkids! Yes, she is growing up and is beautiful.

  3. I can't think of a better way to spend the day! They are so precious.....

  4. Beautiful grandchildren! They are growing up so fast though. Know you all had a wonderful day spending time together!

  5. Oh, my word, they're adorable!!! Grandbabies are just the best blessings in the world!!!

  6. I love them !! and you and papa!! and their mom and dad!!

  7. Precious little pumpkins! We went there with our little ones last fall and had such a wonderful time; it's a great place.

  8. They look sweeter than pumpkin pie!

  9. Hi Penny! Oooo these babies are just so precious!

    THanks for your sweet wishes about my coming babe! halfway now :) It'll be here before we know it :)

  10. Oh, my word, what precious grand's!!! Aren't they just the greatest of blessings?


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