Friday, January 27, 2012

New Camera...pic's!

I took my first pictures today with my new Nikon Coolpix S6200.  I am happy to have a new camera, but need a lot of practice with it.

I've been wanting to show this to my mom (she won't come see me....bad mama!) so I will share it with all of you.  This is my surprise Christmas gift from my husband this year.  He has heard me talk about stained glass, but I never dreamed he would actually pick one out for me.    He was told that this '(pre World War II) window came from a pub in England.  I think it is beautiful and I love it.  I asked him if he thought maybe he could design me a house around it.... at the coast!

I have been reading a book on female Christian 'heroes' and was reading about a lady named Gladys Aylward.  She was a missionary to China, but before she went there, she worked as a 'rescue sister' in a port town in England.   "In rough waterside pubs, she'd face down drunken sailors, if that's what it took, to rescue the girls with them." While I was reading it, I told my husband that our window could possibly have been from one of those pubs that Ms. Aylward visited.  (around 1929-1930)  Probably not, but it was a good thought to add to my new window.  :-)

I don't want to make this post too long, but I want to show the January block for my first 'block of the month' group.  See sidebar for the link to "Thoughts in Thread". 

It was quick and easy to make and it's not too late to join in!   The patterns are free each month and you can work at your own pace.   I have a few more 'quilty' things to show, but I will save those for another post. 
Now, if Avery would just come over, so I can practice using my new camera!  :-)


  1. So now I'm a bad mama (haha) I love the stained glass!! I noticed that you asked for a house at the coast. Not too long ago, I heard a preacher say that sinners go to the "beach" and Christians go to the "Coast"..LOL

    I love the pics from you new camera...bring it down here and practice on Matti some.

    I really like that block you made!!

  2. I love stained glass. We have a stained glass artist fairly close and I actually ended up in her studio one day because I was with a friend who was visiting her. The process of making a window completely fasinated me and I wanted to "get into" stained glass, then I started looking into what it cost to start that hobby and decided I didn't need another hobby! LOL! Have fun with that new camera and I can't wait to see the "more quilty pictures". Love that block you made too!

  3. Ancient one...i think of New Bern as the coast and Atlantic Beach as the beach. I would LOVE to live at the beach. So what does that make me? ha ha

  4. So glad you got your new camera.

  5. Penny, I love your stained glass! Stained glass is one of my favorite things. Your dh is a very good gift giver.

    Hope you enjoy the camera. I still haven't been shopping for one. The pictures I've been taking with the phone aren't very good. :o(

    Very pretty quilt block!

  6. Same as me... I always want to go to the beach... we're just rednecks?

  7. YAY~Love new cameras. :) Can't wait to see pics of Avery.



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