I am not one who keeps up with the latest in literature and usually find good books "by chance" in thrift stores. Recently, I ran across a book from this series: Elm Creek Quilts. It was the third book written in this series and I am now hooked and want to read all of them, in the order they were written! Yesterday I went to the library and brought this book with me to read while staying at hubby's work place this week. I was excited when I saw there are quite a few books in this series and should keep me busy reading for awhile. The stories are great and there is a lot of "quilty" stuff involved, which serves as an inspiration for me to get busy and quilt! I also brought my unfinished, work in progress quilt with me that I need to finish up. I have my sewing machine set up here at the "lily pad" and I hope to machine quilt and get it ready for binding this week. My daughter will be home soon from Hawaii. (July 19th... yay) I made this quilt for her and need to get it finished. She will be arriving home just in time for the family beach vacation. She will fly home on Tuesday and we leave for our beach trip on Saturday. Is that great planning or what?? Maybe she'll be close to having her time zone readjustment by the time we get to the beach. If not, maybe the family can help her to readjust to NC time before our vacation is over. And then..... it will be job hunting time for her! Great things ahead!!! Looking forward to a great July, 2011!