I finally sat down to sew yesterday for the first time in a long time. It was very enjoyable, especially with having my machine in front of a window. My livingroom is on the back side of my house, so we never see what's going on in the front. Yesterday while sewing in my son's old bedroom, I enjoyed watching traffic go by, I saw the mail lady deliver my mail, and I saw the flower delivery truck delivering flowers to a neighbor. These are things I miss by being in the back part of the house. I think I will enjoy my new sewing room view, as I do love being nosey. :o)
** Now, for the rest of the story.... can you see that red pin cushion on the sewing machine? Later in the afternoon, one of my dachshunds jumped in my sewing chair and stole the pin cushion without me knowing. It is a new pin cushion that I had just put a few pins in that morning. I was guessing I put about 20 pins in it. One of the dachshunds showed up at my feet with the pin cushion, its leaves were missing and all the pins were gone. I went into panic mode! I could only find about five of the pins ... I vacuumed and swept every floor in the house. Still in panic mode, I called the vet to see if he thought they could have eaten the pins. "Yes ma'm, dachshunds can eat anything." He recommended I bring them in for an X ray in a couple of hours. So, $240 later, my dogs are okay.... no sign of pins in their little GI tracts. The mystery still remains... where are the pins? And ... did I mention how much I enjoyed sewing yesterday? :o)