Happy Spring to you! This is a cute banner that I had planned to use on my front porch this year. Then the birds arrived and now nothing will be placed on the porch area for a while. (except for a sign to warn others that birds are nesting)
Okay, I've been working part time for two weeks now and loving it! However, I cannot figure out why my house is such a MESS! I have yet to work inside at decluttering and cleaning. I did work outside yesterday to clean out the back flower beds. The dogs enjoyed their new "playpen" and I did get a lot done.
Are you planting a garden this year? With the economy, I think a lot of people are planning to grow their own vegetables this year. I had planned to grow a few things in pots, but my neighbor and son decided otherwise, for me. We now have a rather large garden spot plowed up and ready to go. It's been years since I've had a garden and I really don't have that much experience, so this will be a trial and error experience for me again. (remember the corn and the Mennonites, Mama?)
It's supposed to rain for a few days, starting tomorrow. I hope I can get a lot of inside work done then. I really have been busy; it's just that no one can tell. :o)