Did you find any great "after Christmas" sales? I will have to say that this Christmas cactus was my best bargain this year. I found it on sale a few days after Christmas at Lowe's Home Improvement for 45 cents. I have never had too much of a green thumb, but thought, for 45 cents... it's worth a try. I love a good bargain!
Oh you silly girl...just asking for trouble if you ask me..which you didn't..well, if you must, good luck with it. If it does not make it to Valentine's Day, at least it's little life is only worth $.45..
Penny, I love Christmas Catuses! I had one once that did well for years. If you give it plenty of light it will grow a lot between now and the Fall. It will start blooming around Thanksgiving. If I knew our Lowes had one I'd go today and get me one.
ReplyDeleteThat was the first plant I ever had. I stole a piece off one that grandma had in an old wash stand. I got a can and put dirt in it and put it on a shelf in our old junk room. Every now and then I would remember it and water it some. It grew. I think yours will do just fine. It sure looks healthy. Most of the 49 cent things I see at Lowes are brown.
ReplyDeleteLoved this post!! I just found it when I went to dashboard. Blogger is slow about letting me know when new posts are up. It says this one was up a day ago!