Wednesday, February 27, 2008
It's all good!

Monday, February 25, 2008
I'm computer...less!

If you've noticed that I am missing, well, I have been! We are in the process of moving a few things.... hubby's computer included. We never did have the "family" computer set up in this home, as we all enjoyed using hubby's computer, because it was a little better than ours. Now that he has taken his computer with him to his new home, we are stuck here without good computer access, which means no email, because I don' t know my password to check email from the internet. I plan to work on that situation Wednesday on my next day off! So, if you have emailed me and I haven' t responded.... that's why! I spent the last four days in our new duplex with hubby.... boy, it's a lot smaller in that place than here at home. I was exhausted after arriving home Sunday night and ended up having a poor me, pitiful me moment when I got home. I am dreading leaving my nice roomy home for a two bedroom duplex. I know, I know..... get over it... it's only temporary. I always go through all kinds of mixed emotions when we move. You would think I could handle it well, as we have quite a bit of experience by now. I don't know how military families survive.... I cannot imagine packing up every two years and going where ever the military sends us! This should be a final move for us, so I'm going to put my big girl panties on and make the most of this last move! Pray for me as I'm really feeling nutty right now!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Photo Hunt "Free"

Weekend's over! :o)

Thank you, Jesus, that another long weekend of work is over! I think the moon must be full, or getting full, as the nursing home was very busy this weekend. Lots of viruses .... throwing up and sick stomachs... yuk. Behaviors were escalating... one lady slapped my coworker three times and put a huge bruise on her arm! Families seemed "needier" than ever.... walking our poor legs off! I know, I know... that's what we are there for and that's what we get paid for. But boy, am I glad this weekend is behind us!
I got home Saturday night to see my dogs. ( Son and a friend were checking on them throughout the day for me) Big dog had found an ink pen and chewed it up. Guess what was all over the carpet? Big black ink spots!!!! We are getting ready to put our house on the market and were trying to decide whether to replace the carpet or not. Guess what? Big dog has decided for us! New carpet will be in our near future. Hopefully, dog has helped us sell the house!!!! :o)
On a good note, my left chest is feeling much better. The pain is almost gone, for which I am very thankful. Dear son is still sick. (has been coughing, etc. since Christmas) We finally talked him into seeing the doctor this morning. They say this current illness is new, not the same thing he has had since Christmas (he now has a fever). They are calling it the flu. He has a Rx for good cough medicine and an order for REST for about five days. Do you think he will rest? Why, NO! Please get well, son!
Hubby will be moving into his new apartment this week. I plan to seek new employment this week so I can move with him. I hope to be with him by the end of March. I'm getting very excited about the move, but will miss the extra room we have here. We plan to leave the house set up , though, so we can come back on our days off and "move around". :o)
The yo yo maker (see post below) is awesome! I sat down Thursday night and made my first yo yo and it was absolutely perfect. I recommend it to everyone who wants to have a neat travel project to take along with them. Yo yo's are instant gratification... just so much fun!
That's about it from me this morning. Got to get my nails redone today. They are red, grown out, and ugly. Must have good looking nails for a job interview this week. Hope you all have a wonderful week!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Yo yo maker

Sunday, February 10, 2008
A New Home for Hubby

Hubby has a new two bedroom home... an apartment. He will be living in a duplex apartment community until we can get our house sold. His looks like the little unit on the right, but I think his will be a different color. I went to his new town with him on Saturday and we spent the day looking for his new home. Of course, this will be my home too when we sell our house here. (or before we sell, we'll see) Hopefully, he will get to move in next week. There is a hospital less than two miles away, so I am contemplating applying for a job there, and giving up my job here to move with him. It'll be me, him, and two busy pups in a little two bedroom apartment... with a 13 month lease! I can honestly say that having seen the new town, I am very excited about his promotion and our upcoming move. This town has everything! And a big added bonus.... I found a super awesome quilt shop just off Highway 64, which a route we can take between our two homes. I stopped there yesterday and didn't want to leave.... ever! I am dreaming of working part time and spending lots of time at this quilt shop! Dreams can come true, right????
Friday, February 8, 2008

Monday, February 4, 2008
Another glorious Monday

Another glorious Monday after a long weekend of work! I think I am finally kicking my cold, or whatever I had, and feel so much better today! My husband headed out for his new job today... two hours away... so I have the house to myself. I went out for a much needed pedicure and manicure, which was top priority on my list of things to do today. I would have been truly embarrassed for anyone to have seen my toes before... they were still summer toes. You can imagine how much polish was left on them... just a few specks here and there. I gave the puppies a bath since I will be sleeping with them, alone, tonight. I put fresh sheets (dried on the line) on my bed and will have two sweet smelling pups with me. I probably won't sleep a wink because I'll hear every bump and pop in the night. I'm trying not to stress about our upcoming move. Husband in there now and will be scoping out places to rent. He called me this afternoon to tell me how pretty the dirt is there. LOL Yes, the dirt. We currently live in an area where the soil is red clay. We are looking forward to digging into black sandy soil again! We need to do a few things to the house before we put it on the market. That thought tends to stress me more than moving! My prayer is that everything will fall into place and this move with be a smooth transition for everyone.