I'm still here... I've been busy spending time with this little guy! He is so smart and so much fun. He has been keeping grandma entertained 2-3 days a week. :o) I've been back to the doctor; my b/p is normal again. He says I may be able to go off the b/p medicine in six months. I'm looking forward to that! I saw the eye dr. this past week and he gave me one bifocal contact lense that makes me see a little better. I'm not nearly as depressed over my vision now. I love to sew and do needlework and it has been SO discouraging, not to be able to see the needle and thread! We've been working in the yard. The dogs are being good. Our preacher resigned. My daughter is coming home soon. My nerves still get the best of me some days. And I have learned that you are never too old to miss your mama! Have a great day!