Friday, February 25, 2011
Yo Yo's finished.... here it is!
Yes, it is finished.... and framed!!! I was almost sad to see it end, as I enjoyed making the yo yo's so much. I'll just have to think of another yo yo project to do.
I hope you aren't disappointed... ha ha.... as I have talked about this yo yo spread forever. I just can't believe I finally finished something. Yay, me! (ps... went shopping for a new lamp to replace the one on the table... couldn't find it... yet)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Baby (big boy) bibs
I have accomplished a little bit this week on my days off. I decided I wanted to make some big boy bibs for Avery. I hope his parents don't think the fabric is too feminine for him.... I bought the frogs and the puppy dogs, but the other two came from my "stash".
These were so easy to make and now I want to find some cute little boy fabric and make a few more for him.
They show up a little better against my bathroom rugs that are hanging out to dry. (ok, I admit it... they've been drying for days!!!) And yes, my flower beds need mulch badly!!!

I also made Avery a little "tag" blanket, as he likes to fiddle with fabric when he is going to sleep. He usually winds the fabric of whoever is rocking him's shirt around his thumb, and sucks it to go to sleep. He really likes the little tags on his soft toys, so I took some leftover flannel, some cute ribbon, and made him a tag blanket. I don't have any idea if he'll even like it, but if he does, I'll post a pic. of him using it.
*I've completed the yo yo spread. I need to find a background fabric to frame it on... I tried a natural colored linen which did not show up well. I think black or dark brown is what I'm going to look for... I have decided not to paint the frame black, after all.... I think the brown tone looks better with my new recliners. (they are brown.... pleather) :o)
Friday, February 18, 2011
Doing stuff

I am so impressed by what you full time working girls are able to get done during your time away from work. My sweet boss has given me back my old part time schedule, where I have 7 days off in a row, every other week. If some of you girls had that much time off, you would probably find a cure for cancer, or something great like that. I know Debbie J. would make at least two quilts a week! :o) I had great plans with my last week off, and then I got sick with the flu bug.... so nothing got done. (good thing I didn't have to call in sick, right?) Starting tomorrow, I have another week off and I plan to get stuff done!!!
1. Finish the yo yo spread.... paint frame... and have hanging by the end of next week!
2. Work on new wall hanging that I have cut out already... maybe finish???
3. If the weather is nice, clean flower beds by back patio.
4. Walk!!! Take dogs for a walk. (my b/p is up and doctor put me on medication. I'm sick about this and am determined to exercise, lose weight and get OFF b/p meds)
Okay, I can't let my list get too long, as I don't want to overwhelm myself. ha! I just wish I had the drive that some of you "over achievers" have... I need lessons!! I know the number one thing to do is : get off the computer! :o)
Updates soon! Something WILL get done!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Quilt Dreams
You know I keep telling myself to stay out of thrift stores, right? But LOOK! On my weekly trip to Asheboro, I try to stop at the Christian Outreach Thrift Store.... you know.... just to look. Well, just look at this beautiful treasure I found a couple weeks ago. If you click on the pic, you'll see the book was priced at $2.68. The books were half price that day, so I got this wonderful dreamy book for $1.34.
The quilt below really called my name! I'm enjoying making yo-yo's a lot these days and when I saw this quilt, I thought "oh!! could I possibly make that???" Isn't it pretty?
The sailboat quilt below looks a lot like one I made for my son when he was a little boy. It has had a lot of love (wear and tear) through the years, but I think if I replace its binding, it can be loved for a few more years. Another thing on my "to do" list.

And I really like this one too... a log cabin quilt with appliqued stars. The stars just give it such a pop, don't you think?

And I really like this one too... a log cabin quilt with appliqued stars. The stars just give it such a pop, don't you think?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Happy Belated Valentine's Day
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Julia AND He's one year old!
I've been sick on the couch since Sunday with a flu-like bug. Feeling much better tonight, but still need a little couch time. I re-watched "Julie and Julia" tonight and loved it all over again.
The movie is such an inspiration: Julia's life and Julie's life. If you haven't seen it, I think you should watch it very soon. However, after watching the movie this time, I googled the author and found her blog, as well as a few other blogs belonging to her. I have decided that if we knew each other in person, we probably wouldn't like each other very much. :o( But I still love her movie and appreciate that she brought us the story of Julia Child.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This sweet girl is my daughter. She is married to an army man and moved away to Hawaii back in September. Her husband was deployed a few weeks ago to Iraq, so she is spending time with her dog(s) and working. She is an assistant manager at a hair salon and her mom is very proud of her! We talk everyday, several times a day, about this and that... usually about our dogs. (our children) This girl is a carbon copy of her dad... sweet, compassionate, giving, tender hearted... nothing pretentious about her! And she is FUNNY! She loves to laugh and some of my best laughs have been with her. (remember the Christmas party with the turkey hunting group?) I miss her. A lot! She was my shopping partner when she was here and I have not been able to replace her. She was also my Sunday School teacher assistant. (my class still tells me it's no fun without Mrs. April... but I don't believe them.. ha!) Did I tell you that I miss her? A lot! Her best friend is flying out to Hawaii this week to visit her. I'm so happy for both of them and pray that the huge snow storm doesn't interfere with her flight. I love you, Appie!
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