Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me! I have a birthday this week and look what I finally got! Actually, this picture is not mine, but mine will look like this as soon as my husband's friend finishes my new wood top.
I've always wanted a Singer sewing base made into a table. I learned how to sew on a treadle singer sewing machine that once belonged to my Grandma Addie. Through the years, my mom gave the sewing machine away... before we realized we would ever miss it. I have always "wished" it back.
Last week my daughter and I visited an antique shop in our little town, that we had never visited before. (we've been here almost six years) We were looking for an end table for her apartment. Not only did we find her table, but very near to her table was a perfect Singer sewing machine base with a glass top. The price was good and I bought it and brought it home. I called my husband to tell him not to worry about my birthday present. :o) (he liked that!)
I found this picture on the internet of how I want my table to look. This morning he carried my sewing table off to his friend's house in Burlington to get my new top made. He said I will have it back before my birthday, which is later this week. Yay!
I'll post a picture of mine when I get it back. Happy Birthday, me!