Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday Night Sewing

My friend, Debbie, at Homemaking Dreams, has started doing her Christmas sewing on Friday nights. I was supposed to work Friday evening, but got a surprising phone call around 11:00 am, telling me they had overstaffed at work, and was wondering if I would like the day off. Well, Lord, YES!!!! So, since I recently gave up Facebook, I decided to spend my Friday evening sitting in the livingroom with my husband and sewing while we watched tv. I thought about Debbie and the others who have Friday Night Sew-in's all over blog country. The yo yo's I stitched up last night were created from my first charm swap that I posted a few posts down. (btw: I'm still looking for swappers if anyone is interested) I was so happy to look in the mailbox yesterday and find this sweet little package from Melissa, at Ardea's Nest. Thanks, Melissa... these yo yo's will add some terrific color to my currently dull collection! Friday night was a sweet night at my house. What did you do?

Thursday, January 20, 2011


This is an old photo of my patio shortly after we moved into our current home. Sad to say, it isn't this pretty anymore. However, I am longing for spring time... I am ready to get outside and enjoy the patio and make it pretty again. It's winter time now, and as usual, I am in my mid winter depression. This year it is so bad, it took me back to the doctor this week. Medication changes have been made and I'm looking forward to feeling like ME again!!! Number one on my mind is trying to get some things done: Motto: If you do stuff, stuff gets done. I'm off work all next week and I hope to get some stuff done. From cleaning, to organizing, to sewing, etc. My biggest distraction right now is this computer. I don't spend too much time on blogs, but I can't seem to pull myself away from facebook. You know, trying to keep up with family and friends. I've decided this is actually contributing to my anxiety and I think it's time to let it go. Have any of you had to let something go in order to get your sanity back? I would like to hear about it. Longing.... and looking forward to next week! :o)